Gigi and Aunt Marilyn with C.J.
Gigi and Gabby
Poppy's first time holding C.J. - only took 2 weeks
Future bowling star?

Wow, I feel like I'm going through withdrawl. I haven't posted in over a week! I've enjoyed catching up on all of you fellow bloggers, though. I don't even have the excuse of hosting or traveling, so I'll use Casey for this one. Actually, I can't legitimately use him because he's such a good boy.
So the hunt was not successful for Steve or my dad. Bambi and family made it! They had a good time waking up at 3am and getting back out of the woods at 5pm. Sounds like a blast!
Thanksgiving was nice but hectic. My grandma (aka Gigi for my kids) got back from California last Monday. She's definately 92 and showing it now. Anyways, on Wednesday she decided to get out of bed herself - she can't walk, get up, or basically do anything on her own - and subsequently fell. This resulted later that morning in a seizure which my aunt thought she was dying, so I got the call to rush to grandma's to say goodbye. Thankfully they stabilized her and after an afternoon in emergency she's as ok as she can be.
So Thanksgiving was celebrated at my parents'. My cousins came in from Virginia for the weekend and to see grandma which was really great since we don't see them often. Food was great - it always is when mom is cooking. Didn't eat too much since I was trying to balance 3 kids now. But that's not a bad thing since I didn't get the tryptophan overload and didn't need a nap. After spending a day with my grandmother, I am resolved to the fact that she does need to go into the nursing home. It's a hard decision for everyone because we all thought she would always be who she always was, but she really does need someone to watch her 24/7. It's like being around Rylee basically. They say you revert back to childhood and it's true. So I'm very thankful for time spent with family and for all the great memories throughout the years. God has blessed our family in so many ways that it's easy to take it for granted. Sometimes I need a little perspective.
Friday was Gabby's 6th birthday! I cannot believe it that six years ago she was just a little peanut like Casey. It goes by too fast as I'm sure you newer moms that read this are starting to realize. Sometimes it makes me happy to see her growing up, other times I'm sad because it's gone and we'll never get the time back again. We had a fun day together and then ended it with bowling with cousins and Nana.
Saturday Steve's mom and brother and sister-in-law came in from Chicago to meet Casey. It was great to see them and Casey was behaving pretty well for his first visit with Grammy.
Sunday was recovery day:)
Even though you didn't cook, you still sound pretty busy. Love the pics!!
I know it's hard to put loved ones in someone else's care, but my grandmother went into a home about 2 years ago after a number of short stints in the hospital and it's much better that she's got 24/7 care and she can still do many things there.
Rachelle, I can't tell you how grateful I am for the pictures you post on your blog. To see Grandma, Jordan, and all the rest of you - it makes my day. Glad you had good holiday!
Happy Birthday, Gabby!!!
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