We went to Uncle Mav and Aunt Steph's house for trick-or-treating since we have no neighborhood and they have a very nice one. Rylee and their almost 2yr old son went to about 10 houses before Rylee decided it was time to be done. I'll have to admit I was a little disappointed because she only brought back a limited quantity of candy for me to pilage later. Actually, I'm not sure why we even bother to "do" this holiday as Gabby hates it and Ry is only moderately interested in anything that doesn't involve her sister. I guess it makes for a few cute pictures and a good excuse to eat more candy (as if I haven't been stuffing my face enough).
Rylee prior to trick-or-treating
Rylee and Jacob the duck
We went for a great afternoon walk on the new property last weekend. I hadn't been out there since the leaves have changed and fallen since all the great white hunters have been out in their trees trying to kill Bambi's mom and dad. Our fall weather here has been fabulous and this afternoon/evening was perfect.
This is the view from the area will may put the house. It currently overlooks a 15-20 acre corn field, but I'd imagine we'll have it planted to hay and in a couple years you'll see horses out there.More from inside the corn and beautiful Michigan fall colors.
We went walking through the corn, which is no small task for a 3 1/2 foot tall person - the corn is about 10-12 feet high surrounding you and you just walk on the trampled stalks. Our goal was to get across the field to where one of the great white hunters had made the first kill. My brother Jason got a small doe with his bow. Rylee wanted to play in the carcass of course, Gabby stayed several feet back to be sure she didn't get any blood on her.
Not much need to explain. Just an awesome reminder of God's amazing beauty.
Good luck with the cohosh... (yuck). The girls look beautiful in their costumes. Now we know what Steve would look like in a princess dress ;) I know in our house it was all about trying to get some cute pics- which you certainly got, but mine rarely poses. I can not believe you have 67 acres, thats amazing! And incredibly beautiful! Love the pics of MI in the fall... as you know fall here means we are lucky if weather drops to the low 80s/high 70s. Best wishes for your labor and delivery... and for a Friday night/Saturday morning child!
Rachelle - I'm so glad you started a blog! Thanks for sending me the link. The pictures are beautiful - it's so fun to see how the girls are growing.
Your land looks wonderful - how exciting! Jeremy and I hope to build someday too, and I can't wait till we have 'our land'.
Praying for quick and safe delivery of #3! You want to know what I did to kick in labor? rode my unicycle. ;)
If you click on my id it will take you to a link for my blog - would love to have you stop by!
The home remedies, my neighbor was trouling her yard to kick start the delivery! Good luck, hope it works b/c it sounds gross. Your farm is georgous, I am calling it that b/c if it has corn and a field and some animals, to me it's a farm.
I forgot how funny you are. Love the description of the new property. I still can't believe you're buying that much land. WOW! Can't wait to come visit at some point.
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