Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Of soccer and sweatshirts

Ok, officially someone forgot to remember we need fall before winter. Crap-o weather in Michigan most of the time. I know I seem to always be mentioning weather here, but remember, I work outside. I should have titled "soccer and winter coats, hats and mittens." Oh well.

Soccer - what a blast we are all having!! I should have played soccer more than just the one year in high school - it's a lot of fun! Gabs and Ry are both on the same team (Rylee's playing up - it's just easier to keep track of one team and she was ready) and I'm assistant coaching. Mind you, I play soccer with the philosophy of a basketball player, just using feet instead of hands. The team is doing really well - we're like 4-1-1 I think. Both girls are playing great on all ends of the field - I admit my pride in them swells every week.

What else is new? Not much exciting - Steve has gotten one doe thusfar. House still not sold - we're considering taking it off the market, selling property, and remodeling current home. I've taken on a "boarder" horse - I'll have to post a pic for you to get the true picture of how badly he was injurred.

I will post pics when I can find the correct camera. I swear that thing is always lost!


Mixed Up Chromosomes said...

Hi Rachelle, that's funny that you think of soccer in terms of basketball, I pretty much apply that to all team sports!! I made my blog private and don't know your email, mine is still the same if you've got it. If not, I'll get yours from Becs or Kelly!

Jeff said...

Thanks for the update Rachelle! I keep checking you blog & keep seeing the same blue moon icecream, so it was great to have a new post from you : ) Talk to you soon! La

Lexie said...

Yeah... I woudl say that is how I do it too. BUt I am happy to not coach this year. Paul is the assistant for Lexie's team. We are the opposite. Her games are in the morning and we are all dripping sweat and burned by the end. People bring giant sunshade tents its so hot! I am not sad that she is a bit under the weather and taking tomorrow morning off :)

And yes, PICTURES please!