Steve finds it funny that I very commonly call girls "chicks." I'm pretty sure I picked up the term and usage from my dad. Be sure, coming from me, it is in no way derogatory. It's just a fun word. And I've got two little chicks who are tearing it up on the soccer field. All of you with little kiddos, this is when it starts really getting fun (my opinion). Take that with a grain of salt from one who is a huge fan of organized sports. They can understand the game and play it pretty darn well. Rylee has scored 6 goals in 3 games, and Gabby just scored her first last weekend. That is quite a feat for her, since she plays in the older and more competitive division. She really likes playing goalee because "then I don't have to run so much and I can just wait around." Rylee is actually "playing up" too, since her birthday is past the deadline, but she would have either been super bored or killed the younger kids. I'm very proud of her for last week's game when she had a sweet pass for an assist. She tends to be a little of a ball hog if left to her own devices, so I keep having to instill passing into her brain. Here's a few action shots - I need to find my good camera, because this one is too slow and I'm way behind the action. This was before this camera got soaked and now doesn't take pictures....DUH!

Number 1 Fan

Those are so cute! I am totally digging the pink uniforms on Rylee's team! And its so crazy how different your girls are, but they are both excelling (naturally!)
I love how you call them "chicks" by the way.
I have found that using the continuous photo option on our camera (even more than the action shot setting) allows us to get better action shots because I can just hold it down. It will keep snapping the whole time, so I get a several pics but I can delete the bad ones and usually it will capture a good action shot or something. Just thought I would share.
lexie would appreciate the fact that rylee's pink team is the pink flamingos!
i'll try the action shot thing if i can fix/find a camera:)
Love the pics, man growing huh? I can believe how Adam is changing too. Like the new layout by the way. Can't wait to see what sport CJ picks. lol
Lexie would actually participate in soccer if she was able to be on the pink flamingos! She is still upset her team is the Sharks.
I came upon your blog when I Googled Bridget and Steve's name. My aunt lives in Boston and worked at Park Street. She via her son sent emails out for everyone to pray. It was through you that I was able to keep up and contact Steve. Thank you for that link. I have remained a loyal follower of your blog. My name is Carol Lloyd.
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