Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Reality Check

So my mom called me this afternoon and said she had really sad news. My first thought is that my dear grandma passed away - which would be very sad, but not outside the "natural order" as she is nearly 93 years old with health issues. But no, this news was in so many ways worse even though a little farther removed in the family. My cousin Steve's wife Bridget is pregnant about 20 weeks and has been having numerous issues with the pregnancy - blood clots, blood pressure, etc. A couple weeks ago she noticed lumps in her neck and was very concerned about more clots. Then in the past week she's had difficulty breathing, fainting spells, and more. The doctors finally decided on surgery to remove her gallbladder. They did this surgery today only to discover that her liver has stage 4 aggressive cancer. Not all the details are known at this early stage, but the baby and Bridget both have a very poor prognosis.
Steve and Bridget have a 2 year old daughter Gracie who was given this name by Steve because he had battled through severe depression by Gods Grace. Now again he faces those dark demons. Bridget is one of those people who is like a ray of sunshine all the time. She embodies the word joy. She is an amazingly devoted wife and mother.
My heart is just so heavy about this. So many things about this story are so wrong. I'm trying to see God's grace in the face of this terrible situation. Faith tells me everything works together for the good of those who love the Lord, but it's still hard not to say "Why God?" My short-sighted take-home lesson for myself is to love just a little more fully those people around me. Give the kids and Steve extra kisses, hugs, and quality time. Realize that I'm not owed any time with these beloved ones, but rather each day is a gift. Trust God deeper.
I'm sure Steve, Bridget, Gracie and the Slotemaker family would all covet your prayers in these difficult days.


the deKorne family said...

I am almost 20 weeks pregnant, too-and can't imagine dealing with half of that. Thanks for letting us know! I love looking at your beautiful family! Hope to see you soon... -heidi

Lexie said...

They are in our prayers.
Times like these are always when we seem to challenge our faith, yet it is also when we need it most.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow-what a load to carry. I cannot even imagine. Asking God why is so natural, and God understands that-Jesus himself asked that question. We'll pray for them, please keep me updated. -La

KDoug said...

Rachelle -

I am so sorry to hear about your cousin's wife. That is one of the saddest things I have heard in a very long time. Our prayers are with her family.


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear of Bridget's passing - and I pray that Chloe will go stronger and get to know how much she was loved by her mum. I met Bridget at the MGH mom's group after she had Grace and she was lovely. Please pass on my deepest sympathies to the family.