Monday, April 28, 2008
Steve's birthday is coming up in a couple weeks (#33) and I think he'd like an ipod or something similar. Any advice or opinions on what's good, least expensive route, etc.? I saw there are ipods and all other gadgets on ebay, but I'm not sure if I'm confindent enough to buy from an online auction (the last auction I set foot at I ended up coming home much poorer and 66 acres in hand). We are so behind the times when it comes to techno gadgets and such. Here's the rundown: newest TV 1999 - no HD, no digital, will probably need to purchase those special receivers for all our ancient TV's once the signal changes next year; music at our house = a 3CD boom box. No mp3's, ipods, etc. The girls both received portable CD players this year. All our cell phones are the very basic model - no texting going on, no cameras or videos - just phone calls. Video cam circa 2001, no digital capabilities b/c at the time I was too scared to deal with anything that combined a video recorder and a computer. Still my excuse. So, needless to say, I'm a little unsure of the techno waters and would love some input. Then once I purchase something, I'll have my 4 and 6 year old kids teach me how to use it!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Survivor Plainwell
I made it!!! The week is over and I feel like I've been given the immunity necklace or whatever it is they have on that show (I did actually watch a season or so, but it's been a while). We actually did pretty well flying single parent. I hit panic yesterday when the real estate agent called to say someone wanted to see the house today, but my super-mom flew in to help out and the house actually looked the best it has in a long time (also thanks to KS bi-weekly cleaning yesterday which was lucky timing). Also good timing, yesterday I had ~1 hour of nothing and decided randomly to clean the barn. Only minor problem, when I got home tonight, it didn't appear as if anyone had been here. Usually they shut off all the lights and leave a business card - none found. I will be moderately irritated if they didn't show - unneeded stress and time spent cleaning. Oh well, at the least, Steve will come home to a clean house.
Also making life more bearable, todays ambient temp was a balmy 77F. Life is always better when it's warm.
So I've finally finished all my calls today, except for the one I had to reschedule for tomorrow since I had so many emergencies this afternoon. 10:30 is just about the right time for dinner and a few reebs. Yummy egg salad.
Ok, my eyes are crossing. This rambling needs to end before I get kicked off Survivor Plainwell.
Also making life more bearable, todays ambient temp was a balmy 77F. Life is always better when it's warm.
So I've finally finished all my calls today, except for the one I had to reschedule for tomorrow since I had so many emergencies this afternoon. 10:30 is just about the right time for dinner and a few reebs. Yummy egg salad.
Ok, my eyes are crossing. This rambling needs to end before I get kicked off Survivor Plainwell.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Biker Babes
Yeah, I got out my cranky, uncooperative camera and got some shots of the girls because I'm just too proud of them. After only 2 days of practicing, they are both proficient at riding their bikes without training wheels! This amazes me because if I remember back to when I was learning to ride my banana bike, (yes, sadly this was a long, long time ago. Like 25 years!) I remember my mom jogging up and down the road for many days hanging onto the back of my bike and then letting go. Do you remember that mom? So anyways, these two chicas figured it out pretty fast and without much help. My poor pregnant babysitter (Hannah) was the first to inspire them with her sister's old bikes. Then when we got home, I helped them out a bit. Two days later they went back to Hannah's parent's house and rode again. When I got home that day, Gabby was a pro and Rylee was on her way. One of the cutest things for me, was watching Rylee out my kitchen window trying to get it down. She's definately persistent. If Gabby can do something, so can she! About a day later she was doing great too. So here's some pics from a proud mom. Oh yeah, they didn't have helmets when I went out, so we had a discussion:) Don't worry, I've heard the E.R. stats.

Saturday, April 12, 2008
I feel like a 50lb weight just got lifted off my shoulders. The guy from Washington accepted our offer to come on as our 3rd vet!!!!! After several let-downs, this is such exciting and relieving news. Unfortunately, he can't start yesterday, but he'll be here mid-July. This is definately an answer to prayer!
Steve's gone to Vancouver, Canada for this next week. Yikes, it could (and already has gotten) get crazy at the Bennecke ranch. Time to put on the super-mom cape:) Hopefully the hubby snags a nice bear to replace the stolen one. He needed some time in God's peaceful and quiet creation.
Ok, I'm outie 5000. Maybe soon I'll get my act together and post pictures. Oh yeah, Steve has the camera and SBM card.
Monday, April 7, 2008
I'm procrastinating doing invoices, inventory, and marketing. Good thing I took one business class at Barry. Gotta love having your own business, argh, I think I've created a monster. Part of my "marketing strategy" has involved the fact that I'm basically the only all-ambulatory vet in the area. Everyone else has fancy haul-in clinics that are really nice, but also cost a pretty penny which drives up their rates. Mine on the other hand can be quite a bit lower and I still make money. So with our thriving economy, it seems more people are looking for the "bargain vet":)
So still too busy for my liking. We should know by Friday if the new vet grad from Washington is going to take the job. I'm crossing every finger and toe and praying hard.
Had a great weekend. Finally 60F!!!! Great friend Saioa from Barry University days is doing a 6 week OB/GYN residency internship in Grand Rapids which is super cool! She's freezing as her home base is Hawaii. So it was great hanging out. The girls loved her as Sai is just the loveable sort:) We look forward to seeing her more in the next several weeks.
The kids are starting to learn how to ride their bikes without training wheels. I wonder if my mom was a nervous about this as I find myself? I never even owned a helmet. Now I'm chasing the girls all over the driveway and yard trying to be sure they don't bite the big one. They both can go a few feet without me now and it's only been 1 day. We're excited for AYSO soccer to start soon too. They were kicking the ball around with the dogs and doing well, so it should be fun.
Oh well, business calls. Gotta run.
So still too busy for my liking. We should know by Friday if the new vet grad from Washington is going to take the job. I'm crossing every finger and toe and praying hard.
Had a great weekend. Finally 60F!!!! Great friend Saioa from Barry University days is doing a 6 week OB/GYN residency internship in Grand Rapids which is super cool! She's freezing as her home base is Hawaii. So it was great hanging out. The girls loved her as Sai is just the loveable sort:) We look forward to seeing her more in the next several weeks.
The kids are starting to learn how to ride their bikes without training wheels. I wonder if my mom was a nervous about this as I find myself? I never even owned a helmet. Now I'm chasing the girls all over the driveway and yard trying to be sure they don't bite the big one. They both can go a few feet without me now and it's only been 1 day. We're excited for AYSO soccer to start soon too. They were kicking the ball around with the dogs and doing well, so it should be fun.
Oh well, business calls. Gotta run.
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